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Zones of Regulation

Every day all children ay Lime Academy Watergall have a Zones of Regulation lesson to help them identify and talk about their feelings and emotions. They are also taught strategies to understand these feelings and how to manage them.

Reading image


Reading app

From September 2024 we are using a new app called Boom Reader instead of physical reading logs. This app is a fantastic interactive platform for children and parents to record books they have read. This will encourage children to read at school and at home and help parent encourage and support their children become fluent confident readers.

Look out for your log in details which are sent home from your class teacher. You can also access a Quick Start Guide for this app in the links below.

Why is it important for your child to read at home?

  • Reading to your child can give them the opportunity to hear stories & language at a higher level than they may be able to read completely alone. Research also shows that hearing texts read aloud is a significant source of vocabulary acquisition.
  • When you read with your child, they hear what fluent, expressive reading sounds like. This, in turn, helps to make their own reading more fluent and expressive – which also helps to improve their understanding of the text.
  • Reading together shows children the value of reading. It can also be relaxing and fun for adults and children alike.
  • The more often and the more widely your child reads, the better they become at it!
  • Reading for pleasure vastly improves spelling, grammar, writing ability and general knowledge.
  • Reading is a great way to relax and spend quality time together.

Parents can contact Mrs Ayre our Reading Lead or Mrs White our phonics lead if they want further information on reading at home.

Google Translate

If English is not your first language did you know you are able to copy and paste any text on our website, newsletters, Parentmail and Tapestry in to Google Translate. You can select the language you would like it to be converted to and get a translation.