
LEAP – Lime Extended Activities Provision
Lime Academy Watergall extended activities provision offers a range of clubs and enrichment activities before, during and after school. Children attending will be able to participate in a rich programme of activities, which embed the schools moral purpose of “Putting Learners First”.
LEAP has been established to support parents and carers through offering an affordable quality extended hours provision.
LEAP will include a varied programme of enrichment and extension activities within and beyond the school day for pupils to enjoy.
LEAP will be non-profit making. Any income generated, beyond covering running costs, will be allocated to support additional activities and increase opportunities for children.
LEAP will be led in a co-operative way, which supports parents and community needs.
LEAP will be monitored and regularly reviewed to ensure quality and value.
“Putting Learners First”
LEAP Breakfast Club
The breakfast club is open to all children in full time education at Lime Academy Watergall during term time.
Times: 8.00am until the start of the school day.
Children will be given breakfast cereal, toast and juice. The children are free to participate in a range of play and structured activities under the supervision of the staff.
Costs: £3.00 per day.
LEAP After School Club
The after school club is open to all children in full time education at Lime Academy Watergall during term time. We offer flexibility and value to parents with the option of children attending for one session or two sessions.
Times: Session 1: 3.15 – 4.30pm Session 2: 4.30 – 5.45pm.
Whilst at the after school club the children will be given a hot snack. The children are free to participate in a range of play and structured activities under the supervision of the staff.
Costs: £4.00 for the first session or £8.00 for both sessions.
LEAP Parents Agreement
LEAP Clubs are payable weekly in advance via Arbor. Booking will automatically renew unless you cancel your child’s place. Cancellation must be received in writing (via email or letter) with four school weeks notice.
If your child does not attend the LEAP Club as booked, you will still need to pay for the session. If the club is cancelled on behalf of the school due to circumstances beyond their control you will be refunded for the session. (Please note this would only happen in an extreme emergency that prevented the school being open).
LEAP Club Cancellation
A minimum of four school weeks notice is required to cancel any LEAP Club booking, without further charge. Cancellation must be received in writing (via email or letter).
We would like to remind you that we ask for all school services (school meals and LEAP After School/Breakfast Club) balances to be kept in credit at all times. If debts are incurred, this impacts the school budget, which in turn means that money we should be spending on the children’s education has to be allocated elsewhere.
Arbor accounts for school services that remain in arrears will result in the immediate suspension of the service by the school until full payment is received.
Arbor accounts will be reviewed weekly and failure to clear any unpaid amounts will result in the service not being available to your child/ren. Your child/ren’s place will be removed and offered to the next child on the waiting list.