Reception September 2024
If your child is starting in Reception at Watergall in September 2024, we will be holding a transition morning on Wednesday 3rd July between 9.30am and 11.00am. This will give you child a chance to get to know their teachers and explore the classroom and provision.
We have also produced a virtual tour of the school that you can watch, we hope that this will give you a flavour of our vibrant school and the exciting opportunities that we can offer to you and your child.
For Reception pupils Lime Academy Watergall uses Peterborough City Council’s admission procedures and criteria. If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 you can apply for a Reception place for September 2024. To apply for your child’s place in reception for September 2024 please click here.
If you need any assistance completing the form, or have any questions about the school, please telephone the school office on 01733 264238 or email office.watergall@limetrust.org.

In Year Transfers Years R-6
If you would like to move your child to our school and they are in years R-6 we are able to do this directly with you and you do not need to apply via the Local Authority. Please call the school office on 01733 264238 to discuss this further.
For more information please see our Admissions policy.